cancelled Open Alpaca Ranch


It’s all about the fiber 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

10:00 – 3:00

 Come  join in the fun. 


Celebrate Alpaca Fiber to Finished Product

We invite you to bring your fiber projects 

sit and knit, spin, weave, needle felt, crochet, 

whatever fiber craft project you are working on 

come on enjoy 

the grounds of Quarry Critters Alpacas, 

enjoy the views, enjoy the alpacas, and enjoy each other.  

Time Warp, 

a multiple sheep to shawl winner,

will be demonstrating at

Quarry Critters Alpaca Ranch 




Visit the Alpaca Gift Shop

 We are offering a one day 9/29 -10/1 10-3 only discount

of 25% off everything with a price tag

This discount is applied to in-store purchases. 

3 days only. 

(Not included in our 1 day sale: Kromski products or alpacas)

Living the Alpaca Lifestyle

Join David Wysong in the barn for an informative discussion about alpacas and living the Alpaca Lifestyle. We will have a round table discussion while sitting on hay bales and watching the alpacas. 

Sign up for 2 times, no cost, 11:00; or 1:30 

Cost: $0.00




Knitting in the alpaca field

We’ll have a canopy and picnic tables set up. Bring your knitting or crocheting, spinning wheel or loom. Set up in the field and the alpacas will be wandering all around. We have 3 cria that will be very curious about what you are doing. 

Bring your project, chair and your lunch. 

See you Saturday.…/events-at-qcar/