Come Pick up a load.
What is SCAT DAY? 

It’s a day to start your spring garden. To help you Quarry Critters Alpaca Ranch has been processing alpaca poop into wonder Soil, to Care for your plants, using Alpaca poop, creating superior soil Treatment. SCAT.
On March 28th, 8-noon we will be scooping up this wonderful rich soil and dumping a load into your pick up truck about 1/3 yard. You will take your first load home FREE along with 10% off your alpaca products from the gift shop.
Spread the SCAT over your garden and then garden as you would normally. You won’t believe the results.
Call or email ahead to reserve your load and we will double your free load to twice the amount. Read more…
We have created a mighty fine package of proven females. Click on the link above to see.
We are offering a Ownership class March 8, 2020. That is Sunday 2:00 – 4:00 Visit the alpacas and ask about purchasing them.
Here’s more fun stuff going on this month…
March 2020
Quarry Critters Alpaca Gift shop will now be openWednesdays – Saturdays at 11:00 to 4:00.
March 2020
Quarry Critters Alpaca Gift shop will now be openWednesdays – Saturdays at 11:00 to 4:00.
We will offer Ranch tours, by appointment or call ahead, on Saturdays $8.00 per person,
We will still open for by appointment. your shopping needs*** Important Announcement ****Shop will be closed Wednesday, March 11th***Fiber Arts EnthusiastWe invite those that would like to come sit and knit, crochet, spin, or do needle felting with other fiber lovers.
Every Thursday 2:30 – 4:30.Yarn Over KnittingFor those people that would like a group to knit later in the day we have a group once a month.
Check out our website calendar. We meet the second Thursday each month. Come when you can 4:30 – 7:00.
Yarn and knitting supplies are available.Shearing Day
May 17, 2020 all day
Looking for volunteers please sign up at www.volunteersignup.org/DTJXR
Farm Days
September 26, 2020 9:00 – 3:00
Looking for handmade vendors or Littlestown local small businesses, to sell or demonstrate their products.
Call 717-359-9989 if interested
We will still open for by appointment. your shopping needs*** Important Announcement ****Shop will be closed Wednesday, March 11th***Fiber Arts EnthusiastWe invite those that would like to come sit and knit, crochet, spin, or do needle felting with other fiber lovers.
Every Thursday 2:30 – 4:30.Yarn Over KnittingFor those people that would like a group to knit later in the day we have a group once a month.
Check out our website calendar. We meet the second Thursday each month. Come when you can 4:30 – 7:00.
Yarn and knitting supplies are available.Shearing Day
May 17, 2020 all day
Looking for volunteers please sign up at www.volunteersignup.org/DTJXR
Farm Days
September 26, 2020 9:00 – 3:00
Looking for handmade vendors or Littlestown local small businesses, to sell or demonstrate their products.
Call 717-359-9989 if interested
Thanks for reading to the end.