Alpaca Name: Quarry Critters Jacilee
Cost per fleece: $Sold
Year shorn: 2024
Color of fleece: White
Prime coat, weight : 66 oz
staple length: 61/4 inches
Grade- 2 ~ 22.6 micron
- Grade 2, Superfine (20-22.9) (very comfortable next to skin)
Grade 2 is used for gently used items such as shawls and baby items.
Crimpy locks, bright white, dense in some areas – not consistent in crimpy but close, fine slippery soft handle.
This 2024 fleece is from an alpaca named Jacilee, this is her second shearing. This alpaca is slippery soft to touch and is very long for a typical alpaca.
Condition of fleece: very clean from all the rain that we had this spring, has not been skirted
Asking $2.75 per oz. plus shipping, no charge for pick up
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