Quarry Critters Xena


White female huacaya alpaca



Out of stock

ARI#: 35452003 Categories: , Tag:



Xena’s fiber is Bright, soft, crimpy and beige. When processed to yarn, it would make an excellent baby garment or product to wear close to your skin.

Xena has an AOA Certificate and has been tested for BVDB and the result was “not detected”.  Xena has received a microchip. Xena has been halter and walks on a lead. All this means is that Xena is is a well behaved girl. She was entered into a show and preformed very well.   Xena is a registered alpaca as are her sire and dam.

Xena was born 2018.   We are selling Xena on her own or in a package.  QCAR policies require you own at least 2 alpacas to purchase only one alpaca from our ranch. Alpacas are herd animals and really must be around other alpacas. A very small herd of 3 is acceptable.


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Financing Available

  • 25% down and on time monthly payments for one year with NO INTEREST!
  • Flexible payment option are being offered at this time. We will work with you and your budget.
  • Package discounts available as posted.
  • We also accept Master Card, Visa, Discover Card and American Express, Checks and cash
Terms: Includes with purchase of alpaca sale:
  • One "Free" Ownership class (must register)
  • Complimentary board for 30 days after completed sale. Adjustment of $2.50 daily rate thereafter
  • Purchaser receives Alpaca Registration upon agreement paid in full
Terms and services with the sale of a quality bred female:
  • 15-day live birth guarantee!
  • Fee to delivery your purchased alpacas is $4.00 per mile to your destination.
  • No fee for you to pick up purchased alpacas.